The birth of any new idea starts somewhere. For us it was Autumn 2020, when we found ourselves isolated on Deal Island in the middle of Bass Strait, Tasmania. We had signed up as volunteer caretakers four years prior and, in a weird twist of fate, found ourselves in the perfect spot to sit out Covid, We had to take 3 months worth of supplies with us (including many cans of tinned fish), it was during this time that we questioned why tinned fish had to be mass produced, from sources unknown and shipped across the world, when we have an abundance of quality, traceable and sustainably produced seafood in Australia.
With combined backgrounds in commercial fishing, conservation and sustainable food production, as well as a mutual love of local food, the idea for Little Tin Co was born and with it, a commitment to produce sustainably sourced and produced products using local Australian ingredients. We took a leap of faith, sold the business, bought a canning machine and started researching and learning how to preserve seafood the traditional way.
Little Tin Co uses sustainably sourced seafood, caught in Australian waters and canned locally. We work with chefs, great cooks and food lovers to create delicious products, prepared using methods that have been passed down through many generations in seaside villages along the Mediterranean coast.
The final products are little packages of umami that we hope you will enjoy wherever and whenever.
Dan and Rachel Weeks